3 day rule dating
The 3 Day Rule is a dating rule which requires individuals to wait three days after a date before contacting their date again. The rule is said to give both parties time to let the date sink in and ensure that they both had a good time without feeling pressured into anything. This rule has been adopted by many people as it helps them to take their relationship slow.
The 3 Day Rule was coined by the television show, Sex and the City. In one episode, the character Miranda had to wait three days before she could call her date. After the episode aired, the 3 Day Rule became the norm for many singles. It soon became viewed as the perfect amount of time to ensure that both parties had a good time, and to keep things from getting too serious too quickly.
The 3 Day Rule is often used for initial contact between two people who are interested in dating each other. It is also used in situations where communication has been cut off between two people. It allows them to reestablish communication without feeling overwhelmed or pressured. For example, if two people have not talked in a while, they may decide to wait three days before contacting each other. This gives both parties enough time to process their feelings and decide if they would like to continue talking or not.
Despite its popularity, the 3 Day Rule is not a hard and fast rule. It is ultimately up to the individual whether or not they choose to abide by it. Some people prefer to wait a few days before contacting the other person, while others may feel comfortable contacting the person sooner. Ultimately, it is important that both parties respect each others boundaries and comfort levels.
Overall, the 3 Day Rule is an important dating rule that many people have adopted as a way to take their relationships slow. It allows both parties time to process their feelings and make sure that they are comfortable with taking the relationship further. While it is not a hard and fast rule, it is important that both parties respect each others boundaries and comfort levels when deciding how long to wait before contacting each other again.