Dating game killer netflix

The Netflix series, 'Dating Game Killer', chronicles the life of serial killer Rodney Alcala, who appeared as a contestant on the 1970's dating show, 'The Dating Game'. After being convicted of killing seven women, Alcala was sentenced to death in 2010. The three-part series offers a glimpse into the life story of Alcala, from his childhood in Texas to his eventual arrest and trial.

The series is based largely on interviews with Alcalas victims and family members. It also includes archival footage and photos that help to piece together a timeline of his crimes. Through these interviews, we get an in-depth look at how Alcala used his charm and good looks to lure women into his web of deceit. It's clear that Alcala used his appearance on the popular game show as a way to gain access to potential victims.

In addition to detailing Alcalas criminal past, the series also takes a closer look at the criminal justice system and how it can fail victims of violent crimes. The series serves as a chilling reminder of how predators can go undetected for years before being caught. It's especially unnerving when you realize that Alcala was able to get away with murder for so long simply because of his good looks and charm.

The series provides an intense and gripping look into the life of a serial killer, and its sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Its an important reminder of the dangers of online dating and the importance of staying safe. 'Dating Game Killer' is a must-watch for anyone interested in true crime stories and those looking for insight into the criminal justice system.